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Thursday 11th June

Hello Year 5,

I hope you're all well. Don't forget that we'd like to see your Fiver Challenge business name and logo by the end of this week, plus information about your market research.

If you're looking for something else to do, there's a virtual Science Jamboree happening today and tomorrow:  There are lots of activities to try at home, and I think the links and videos will stay for a little while if you don't get chance to do everything you want in the next couple of days.

Mrs Jones

Monday 8th June

Hello Year 5

I hope you have all had a nice weekend, it's a shame the weather wasn't the best Saturday. I hope you all managed to get out and enjoy the fresh air. 

This week will be similar to last week, as you have a timetable to follow and another task on the Dragons' Den project. I have sorted out the files in the Summer Learning folder. So there is now a timetable folder and a Dragons' Den folder. 

You will find this week timetable in the 'Timetable' folder with this weeks date and the next steps for Dragons' Den is called Dragons' Den logo and is in the 'Dragons' Den' folder. 

Well done for all the work you have been sending through and for organising yourself into groups. Keep checking the yammer page as I will put updates on there and I will post a video in the morning. 

Have you all managed to log in to yammer, if not let me know I can see what the problem is. 

Email me if you have any problems. 

Mrs Barnard

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